14:00:12 <achow101> #startmeeting 
14:00:12 <core-meetbot> achow101: Meeting started at 2025-01-09T14:00+0000
14:00:13 <core-meetbot> achow101: Current chairs: achow101
14:00:14 <core-meetbot> achow101: Useful commands: #action #info #idea #link #topic #motion #vote #close #endmeeting
14:00:15 <core-meetbot> achow101: See also: https://hcoop-meetbot.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
14:00:16 <core-meetbot> achow101: Participants should now identify themselves with '#here' or with an alias like '#here FirstLast'
14:00:20 <achow101> #bitcoin -core-dev Meeting: abubakarsadiq achow101 _aj_ ajonas b10c brunoerg cfields darosior dergoegge fanquake fjahr furszy gleb glozow hebasto instagibbs jarolrod jonatack josibake kanzure laanwj LarryRuane lightlike luke-jr maflcko marcofleon maxedw Murch pinheadmz provoostenator ryanofsky sdaftuar S3RK stickies-v sipa sr_gi tdb3 theStack TheCharlatan vasild willcl-ark
14:00:20 <core-meetbot> achow101: Unknown command: #bitcoin
14:00:21 <willcl-ark> Hi
14:00:24 <maxedw> hi
14:00:25 <brunoerg> hi
14:00:27 <abubakarsadiq> hi
14:00:28 <pinheadmz> "#here"
14:00:30 <stickies-v> hi
14:00:32 <pinheadmz> FirstLast
14:00:37 <hebasto> hi
14:00:37 <achow101> lol
14:00:41 <kanzure> hi
14:00:43 <tdb3> hi
14:00:45 <glozow> hi
14:00:45 <darosior> hi
14:00:47 <TheCharlatan> hi
14:01:05 <Chris_Stewart_5> hi
14:01:06 <achow101> There is one preproposed meeting topic this week. Any last minute ones to add?
14:01:09 <glozow> #here FirstLast
14:01:11 <cfields> hi
14:01:46 <jonatack> hola
14:02:09 <achow101> #topic Kernel WG Update (TheCharlatan)
14:02:24 <TheCharlatan> nothing new this week
14:02:32 <b10c> hi
14:02:34 <sr_gi[m]> Hi
14:02:43 <achow101> #topic Erlay WG Update (sr_gi, gleb, marcofleon)
14:03:07 <sr_gi[m]> I continued with simulations this week, working to address the most relevant outstanding question so far: what is a reasonable proportion of inbounds/outbounds for fanout.
14:03:16 <sr_gi[m]> I’m still working on this question, but preliminary results seem to show that this is indeed a tradeoff between bandwidth and latency, so the parameters (and bandwidth savings) may depend on what is a reasonable propagation time for a transaction.
14:04:09 <sr_gi[m]> I hopping to have some conclusions by next meeting, if not the next one (so 2 weeks TM)
14:06:00 <sr_gi[m]> That's it for me
14:06:27 <achow101> #topic MuSig2 WG Update (achow101)
14:06:36 <achow101> There's been some testing of the PR with other implementations, and one of these testers discovered a more general issue with sighash type conflicts
14:06:43 <achow101> 've opened #31622 to fix those sighashing issues.
14:06:44 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31622 | psbt: add non-default sighash types to PSBTs and unify sighash type match checking by achow101 · Pull Request #31622 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
14:06:54 <achow101> #31242 and #31243 are still the next prs to review. #31242 seems to be rfm.
14:06:54 <core-meetbot> achow101: Unknown command: #31242
14:06:56 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31242 | wallet, desc spkm: Return SigningProvider only if we have the privkey by achow101 · Pull Request #31242 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
14:06:57 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31243 | descriptor: Move filling of keys from `DescriptorImpl::MakeScripts` to `PubkeyProvider::GetPubKey` by achow101 · Pull Request #31243 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
14:06:58 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31242 | wallet, desc spkm: Return SigningProvider only if we have the privkey by achow101 · Pull Request #31242 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
14:06:59 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31242 | wallet, desc spkm: Return SigningProvider only if we have the privkey by achow101 · Pull Request #31242 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
14:07:18 <achow101> #topic Legacy Wallet Removal WG Update (achow101)
14:07:25 <achow101> No updates, still waiting for review on #31495
14:07:27 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31495 | wallet: Utilize IsMine() and CanProvide() in migration to cover edge cases by achow101 · Pull Request #31495 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
14:07:35 <achow101> #topic package relay WG Update (glozow)
14:08:07 <glozow> hi! I am still working on #31397, which looks closeish
14:08:12 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31397 | p2p: track and use all potential peers for orphan resolution by glozow · Pull Request #31397 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
14:08:42 <glozow> It looks like I could collect the currently outstanding comments into a followup, but also happy to update, so more review would be appreciated
14:09:16 <glozow> also i haven't given up on #31385 yet 😅
14:09:18 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31385 | package validation: relax the package-not-child-with-unconfirmed-parents rule by glozow · Pull Request #31385 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
14:09:46 <glozow> I also updated the wiki doc about orphanage problems https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-devwiki/wiki/%5BP2P%5D-known-TxOrphanage-problems
14:10:09 <glozow> It's a more comprehensive writeup of what this subproject of "package relay" is attempting to solve
14:11:02 <glozow> That's it from me. I kind of wonder if we should rename this to "Tx Orphan Resolution" instead of calling it package relay
14:11:35 <achow101> #topic moving meeting later by 3 hours (achow101)
14:12:31 <glozow> ACK, but maybe more of a problem for the people who live in europe?
14:12:34 <achow101> a couple of us are moving to the us west coast, myself included. the current meeting time there is 6 am, which is not a time that multiple people there would really be able to do, myself included.
14:12:36 <dergoegge> would prefer to keep it as is
14:12:41 <cfields> 6am doesn't do it for you? :)
14:12:55 <achow101> the current time is optimized for europe
14:13:14 <achow101> cfields: i can barely do the current 9 am lol, but it's at least possible
14:13:15 <jonatack> ACK. The last change made the meeting times more difficult for me.
14:13:24 <fanquake> that’ll be 5/6pm in London/europe, so I assume you’ll just loose as many as you might gain
14:13:38 <jonatack> (When I was in Europe, I rather liked the evening meeting times, but I digress.)
14:13:39 <glozow> I remember last time we changed the time, we noted that fewer people lived on the west coast, and that's no longer the case
14:13:41 <dergoegge> we have great attendance right now, i fear we'd be giving that up
14:13:58 <fanquake> also that’ll be lunchtime for NYC?
14:14:20 <sipa> hi
14:14:26 <vasild> maybe have a poll?
14:14:34 <achow101> we can do another time poll thing like last time
14:14:40 <cfields> and I assume with +3 we'd completely lose aus/asia.
14:15:01 <sdaftuar> hi
14:15:23 <stickies-v> poll sounds like the best approach to me
14:15:34 <glozow> I propose using this: https://www.when2meet.com/?28273038-y9Yr7
14:15:56 <sipa> the domain name sounds appropriate
14:16:08 <_aj_> hi
14:16:21 <glozow> (there is no authentication but writing your name suffices imo)
14:16:28 <cfields> no auth required. I'm the glozow now.
14:16:38 <dergoegge> does that just assume a timezone? doesn't say what it is using
14:16:49 <glozow> it should tell you a timezone
14:16:49 <tdb3> glozow: are the times listed in utc?
14:16:54 <achow101> assume utc presumably?
14:17:06 <glozow> oh 🤔 I guess it doesn't. UTC yes
14:17:12 <darosior> Yeah im confused by the timezone too
14:17:18 <_aj_> yeah, +5h from now is an early state, +3h is stay-up-all-night territory
14:17:19 <jonatack> Voting would ideally take into account not only preferences but degree of preference / inconvenience.
14:17:28 <achow101> can also try https://app.rallly.co/poll/k0zyyk2uD3ug
14:17:50 <glozow> ok let's do that
14:18:13 <darosior> Looks like you set the timezone when creating the event on when2meet.com
14:18:23 <achow101> we can give until next meeting to get that filled out
14:18:29 <dergoegge> "Unauthorized"
14:18:39 <tdb3> to clarify, we're using https://app.rallly.co/poll/k0zyyk2uD3ug
14:18:40 <tdb3> ?
14:18:44 <glozow> yes, forget about the when2meet
14:19:07 <achow101> oh, real link is https://app.rallly.co/invite/k0zyyk2uD3ug
14:19:12 <achow101> the other one is admin oops
14:19:30 <cfields> 👍
14:19:58 <achow101> since it looks like several people aren't here, let's wait until next week to decide based on the results of the poll
14:20:59 <achow101> any other topics to discuss?
14:21:45 <sdaftuar> sipa and i are here now, can give a cluster mempool update
14:22:00 <achow101> #topic Cluster Mempool WG Update (sdaftuar, sipa)
14:22:59 <sdaftuar> i just have a brief update, i'm started rebasing #28676 on top of sipa's txgraph implementation. once that is complete we'll have a pretty good idea of what the finish line looks like (and this may highlight any sharp edges we want to address in sipa's implementation)
14:23:03 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/28676 | [WIP] Cluster mempool implementation by sdaftuar · Pull Request #28676 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
14:23:16 <sdaftuar> in the meantime sipa's txgraph PRs are the ones we'd like review on
14:23:55 <sipa> there are three open txggraph PRs (31363, 31444, 31553), each one building on the next
14:24:16 <sipa> but i understand some reviewers are waiting for the full cluster mempool rebase on top of them
14:25:15 <sipa> on the research side, we may need to replace the cluster linearization code (later, not now!) at some point, because the new algorithm looks super promising
14:26:23 <sipa> when, and if, that happens, i don't expect txgraph to really change, except for swapping out the underlying calls
14:26:49 <sipa> that's it for me, i think
14:27:03 <achow101> any other topics to discuss?
14:27:12 <dergoegge> #21590 and #31549 look ready for merge
14:27:12 <core-meetbot> dergoegge: Unknown command: #21590
14:27:20 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/21590 | Safegcd-based modular inverses in MuHash3072 by sipa · Pull Request #21590 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
14:27:23 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31549 | fuzz: Abort if system time is called without mock time being set by marcofleon · Pull Request #31549 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
14:27:23 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/21590 | Safegcd-based modular inverses in MuHash3072 by sipa · Pull Request #21590 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub
14:27:32 <achow101> dergoegge: will look today
14:27:37 <dergoegge> thanks
14:28:23 <sipa> looks like there are some open questions on 21590 by TheCharlatan, will look
14:29:15 <achow101> #endmeeting