14:00:12 <achow101> #startmeeting 14:00:12 <core-meetbot> achow101: Meeting started at 2025-01-02T14:00+0000 14:00:13 <core-meetbot> achow101: Current chairs: achow101 14:00:14 <core-meetbot> achow101: Useful commands: #action #info #idea #link #topic #motion #vote #close #endmeeting 14:00:15 <core-meetbot> achow101: See also: https://hcoop-meetbot.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ 14:00:16 <core-meetbot> achow101: Participants should now identify themselves with '#here' or with an alias like '#here FirstLast' 14:00:28 <sipa> hi 14:00:31 <achow101> #bitcoin -core-dev Meeting: abubakarsadiq achow101 _aj_ ajonas b10c brunoerg cfields darosior dergoegge fanquake fjahr furszy gleb glozow hebasto instagibbs jarolrod jonatack josibake kanzure laanwj LarryRuane lightlike luke-jr maflcko marcofleon maxedw Murch pinheadmz provoostenator ryanofsky sdaftuar S3RK stickies-v sipa sr_gi tdb3 theStack TheCharlatan vasild willcl-ark 14:00:31 <core-meetbot> achow101: Unknown command: #bitcoin 14:00:39 <tdb3> hi 14:00:41 <TheCharlatan> hi 14:01:09 <sr_gi[m]> hi 14:01:10 <achow101> There are no pre-proposed meeting topics this week. Any last minute ones to add? 14:01:28 <abubakarsadiq> hi 14:01:57 <achow101> #topic Erlay WG Update (sr_gi, gleb, marcofleon) 14:02:38 <marcofleon> hi 14:02:50 <furszy> hi 14:04:25 <sr_gi[m]> I kept working on sims before the xmas break, last one was to check whether there's any significant difference between selecting fanout peers at relay time (after the Poisson timers have ticked) or at scheduling time (when the transaction is received/created). The short answer for that is no, which is good since it simplifies the design 14:04:37 <sr_gi[m]> And also matches the open PR approach 14:04:58 <sr_gi[m]> The experiment is here: https://srgi.notion.site/Erlay-1537b3fef97780038aa6fa2ea5aef421?pvs=4 14:05:40 <sr_gi[m]> Just got back today so I'll continue with pending sims and update the PR accordingly 14:05:58 <sr_gi[m]> I need to touch base with Gleb wrt to the full implementation and testing on watnet 14:06:01 <sr_gi[m]> warnet* 14:06:08 <sr_gi[m]> That's all from my end 14:06:37 <achow101> #topic Kernel WG Update (TheCharlatan) 14:06:48 <TheCharlatan> nothing new here 14:07:13 <achow101> #topic Cluster Mempool WG Update (sdaftuar, sipa) 14:07:35 <sipa> hi 14:07:41 <sipa> happy new year! 14:07:57 <achow101> it's the new year, is it all done yet? 14:08:08 <sipa> as for PR review, nothing changed; the next thing to review is #31363 14:08:09 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31363 | cluster mempool: introduce TxGraph by sipa · Pull Request #31363 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub 14:08:44 <sipa> the two follow-up PRs are open, to give an idea what the whole TxGraph class will look like, but it's probably better to focus on just the first for review 14:11:20 <sipa> as for research, there is a fairly exciting development i think: a new linearization algorithm, inspired by looking at what the simplex algorithm means for our (LP-reformulated) problem, which seems pretty efficient, and can do a lot of things at once that we thought of as separate steps (finding high-feerate subsets, linearization overall, postprocessing, improving linearization, relinearizing 14:11:26 <sipa> after adding dependencies, ...) 14:12:04 <sipa> i've implemented it and am experimenting with it... if it turns out to be good/fast/usable enough, it may end up being a drop-in replacement for the existing Linearize() function and SearchCandidateFinder class 14:12:35 <sipa> i can elaborate after the meeting if there is interest 14:12:38 <sipa> that's it for me 14:13:45 <achow101> #topic MuSig2 WG Update (achow101) 14:14:09 <achow101> no updates, pr to review is still #31242 14:14:10 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31242 | wallet, desc spkm: Return SigningProvider only if we have the privkey by achow101 · Pull Request #31242 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub 14:14:26 <achow101> #topic Legacy Wallet Removal WG Update (achow101) 14:14:36 <achow101> no updates as well, pr to review is #31495 14:14:37 <gribble> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/31495 | wallet: Utilize IsMine() and CanProvide() in migration to cover edge cases by achow101 · Pull Request #31495 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub 14:14:51 <achow101> #topic package relay WG Update (glozow) 14:19:16 <achow101> If there's no update, anything else to discss? 14:21:26 <achow101> #endmeeting